We at Ranger TKD take COVID-19 seriously. Here are some of the systems we have in place in order to keep our students and family safe during the pandemic. 

For Students In the Studio:

  1. Masks must be worn in the studio at all times until March 14th. At which time, mask will be optional
  2. Shoes will be placed in individual cubbies in order to discourage congregation after class
  3. Water bottles will be placed along the walls of the studio in order to discourage congregation of students during breaks.

Positive Tests and Exposure:

We will be following the protocol put in place by the Palo Alto Unified School District in order to protect our students from further exposure to the Covid-19 virus. We ask that everyone abide and adhere to the following rules:

If yourself or your child display or experience symptoms of the Covid-19 virus, get yourself and your child tested.

  1. If you test positive for Covid-19, STOP ATTENDING CLASSES IMMEDIATELY.
  2. Notify us immediately and follow the quarantine and isolation protocol.


Individuals that test positive for COVID-19 may return from isolation under the following conditions:

  • No longer exhibiting symptoms.

  • Have a negative test on or after Day 5 of the onset of symptoms or a positive test, whichever was first.

  • Home tests are acceptable for Day 5 testing. (negative test results should be shared with school health or office staff).

  • Individuals can return on Day 6 if they meet the requirements above.

  • Individuals who still have symptoms or continue to test positive on Day 5 or after may return once they have a negative test, are fever free for at least 24 hours, and are without symptoms.


How to calculate isolation days

  • Day 0 (zero) = your first date of symptoms or test collection

  • Day 1 = First full day after symptoms develop or test collection


Unable or not willing to test


Individuals refusing to test or who cannot access a test must isolate for 10 days and may return on Day 11 as long as they are fever free for at least 24 hours and other symptoms improving.

What Ranger TKD will do:

Once we are notified that one of our students has tested positive for Covid-19, we will do the following:

  1. We will notify all students who were exposed to the student who tested positive. 
  2. All students who have been exposed will be asked to follow the isolation protocol. A negative test after Day 5 from exposure will allow said student back to regularly scheduled class.
  3. More than likely, this will cause Ranger TKD to shut down temporarily, as our instructors will enter isolation protocol as well.
Both Master Ben and Dennis have been and will continue to test themselves every week, regardless of symptoms.